Envision Enviro Tech provides comprehensive engineering solutions for Sewage treatment plant (STP) which includes detailed designing, engineering and commissioning of the STPs.
Our expertise for STPs are in categories of conventional as well as packaged plants consisting primary, secondary and tertiary treatments units. The Packaged STPs have been proven as the best solution, which can be installed readily. Coupled with this advantage, ourcustomisation solutionas per needprovides utmost flexibilities to the clients.
We provide packaged STPs as per the required sizes at housing complexes, Municipal corporations, hotels and small community centres . Envision Enviro Tech has successfully designed and commissioned more than 50 STPs with a total cumulative installed capacity of 52,000 KLD.
The STPs set-up by Envision Enviro Tech are equipped with widespread biological treatment technologies of Conventional Activated Sludge Process, Moving Bed Biological Reactor (MBBR), Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) and Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR).